
Larissa talks about Teaching in Thailand, Working on oDesk, and starting her Dropshipping Store

Really cool to see that people are starting to interview Larissa about her journey as a digital nomad, quitting her fashion career in S. Africa, becoming an English Teacher in Thailand, working on O-Desk as a freelancer and then starting her dropshipping store.

This is inspiring for people in her position without a technical background and want to become a location independent entrepreneur. Keep reading to watch the full 13 minute interview.

Here's the video! Congrats to Larissa for everything's she's accomplished.  Even though a lot of you may think I had a huge part in it, she is super independent and always tries to figure out everything on her own first.

Watch the video to hear how she did it:

How She Started:

Step 1: I basically just said to her go to and see how you like it...she hated it.  Well, she really got excited to make her first $50 online and that was the spark that made her want more, but 

Step 2: Then I  had her do Anton's dropshipping course and had her figure out a lot of it on her own as I knew the course could explain it better and with patience than I ever could. 

Step 3: We decided to do a 30 day challenge to get our new dropshipping store up and running. Click the photo to read how it went and what challenges we faced.

Our store has been live and profitable since she did the interview and Larissa handles all of the order fulfillment, customer service, adding products and pretty much runs the store entirely on her own and is truly an entrepreneur in her own rite. Congrats Larissa!



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  1. Downloading this video into audio. I'm also doing the same for all of the nomad summit talks. Thanks Johnny!

  2. I'm stuck on the brainstorming phase for a eCommerce product to sell. As you've said you need to spend $100 or more on a product you may have bought in the past, however I've never done that only spend my money on eBook and physical books. I've posted a list of potential products but I'm finding it hard to select and go for a specific niche. What do I do?

    * Book Cases
    * Embroidery
    * Sewing Machines
    * Embroidery Machines
    * Sewing Tools
    * Thread
    * Hand Needles
    * Trim and Establishments
    * Sewing Machine Parts and Accessories

    * Home brewing kits
    * Photo frames
    * Scarves
    * Kitchenware
    * Bikes
    * Lamps
    * Bedside and Table Lamps
    * Desk Lamps
    * Floor Lamps & Torchbearer
    * Lamp Bases
    * Lamp Shades

    * Sculptures
    * Home Gyms
    * Air Purifiers & Ionizers
    * Dehumidifiers & Humidifiers
    * Pendant Lights
    * Rugs
    * Indoor Fountains
    * Bar Stools
    * Metal Detectors & Accessories
    * Telescopes
    * Cat Trees
    * Heart Rate Monitors
    * Pedometers
    * Treadmills
    * Crossfit Equipment
    * Strength Training
    * Inversion Equipment
    * Dumbbells
    * Benches
    * Kettlebells

    * Archery
    * Hunting
    * Hunting Dog Equipment
    * Hunting Knives
    * Hunting Optics

    * Optics
    * Binoculars
    * Boresighters
    * Game & Trail Cameras
    * Gun Scopes
    * Gun Sights
    * Laser Rangefinders
    * Monoculars
    * Night Vision
    * Spotting Scopes

    * 3D Printers
    * Hair Clippers
    * Horse Saddles
    * Ride-on Cars
    * RC Cars
    * Hand Dryers
    * VOIP Phones & Equipment
    * VOIP Gateway
    * VOIP Adapters
    * Video Phones
    * Skype Phones
    * Mouse Phones
    * Wireless
    * GSM

    * Modern Desks
    * Emu Oil
    * Rocking Horses
    * Ultrasonic Cleaners
    * Coffee Roasters
    * Microscopes
    * Night Vision Equipment
    * Binoculars
    * Telescopes
    * Monoculars
    * Rifle Scopes
    * Spotting Scopes
    * Rangefinders
    * Magic Tricks
    * KVM Switches
    * CCTV Products
    * Radar Detectors
    * Handheld Radio Scanners

    1. Hey that's a nice list, I would suggest taking Anton's course as he goes into detail on how to do proper niche research and analyze the competition to see if the suppliers dropship and if there is room in the niche for competition. You can join at best of luck!


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