The 2 Hour Mornings - Get more out of life by starting your mornings lazily, Here's How to Create your own Lifestyle Design.
Someone asked me the other day what my mornings look like, and half way through my explanation I started to feel like an dick wad. Most people start their mornings by grabbing a quick bite to eat or a coffee and rush to work. The unfortunate have to rush through traffic and the more fortunate can sleep in an extra 15 minutes because they're close by or because they negotiated a later start.
My answer was a bit different, today was a somewhat typical morning and here's how it went:
How these 2 hour mornings can help you:
The main benefit is starting your day stress free and encouraging fresh air, light exercise and healthy food. But the real benefit is setting a foundation for a productive day. Instead of telling yourself that you don't have 2 hours in the morning of free time to walk around listening to the History of Genghis Khan podcast on Hardcore History (which is amazing by the way) or my other favorite podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience, figure out a way to have it.
It wasn't by chance or luck that I use an alarm clock so unoften I didn't figure it out that I could set an alarm on my iPhone without an alarm clock app until a few days ago. This is Lifestyle Design. Here is how you do it.
Work Hard and Work Smart:
The next few hours I hang out at my favorite coffee shop with my laptop and actually do some work. The staff recognizes me enough to bring me my favorite drink, an Iced Americano without me even having to ask. Here is what I am currently working on to bring in online passive income so I can continue living the lifestyle I've designed.
1. The Book - "12 Weeks in Thailand: The Good Life on the Cheap" is selling on autopilot through and is bringing in between $100-$200 a month of passive income. The first month when it was priced at $27 it brought in over $600US but sales have stayed the same since lowering the price and offering it on amazon.
Lesson learned: Don't publish info books on Amazon or kindle unless you're a Fiction writer with a series. Keep the price and perceived value high. Even though the information and content is well worth over $27 for anyone considering traveling through Thailand to live the 4-hour workweek lifestyle, learn Muay Thai, or become a Divemaster, having it for $9.99 makes the book seem like just another book on the shelf. I may be moving the book off of Amazon and reset the price at the original $27.
Marketing of 12 Weeks in Thailand: The book has decent organic SEO (search engine results in google) from all of the content on my Muay Thai Blog
Has great reviews (currently 5 stars on Amazon) and good word of mouth through readers, great friends and supporters. The facebook page has a good amount of followers that love the photos I've been putting up of readers with their books in Thailand.
2. Affiliate Marketing: By promoting other people's books, products and/or renting advertising space on my blogs and websites I get a commission from each sale that comes through it.
Example: Since I love reading ebooks and pdfs on my Kindle, I'm always recommending it to my friends and readers. I know it's a hassle having both an iPad and another device but once you start using a kindle you''ll realize how comfortable it is on your eyes they are since they use eInk technology and aren't back lit. You can read it for hours and not get tired and you can read it in direct sunlight on the beach and leave it around without worrying that your expensive iPad will be damaged or stolen since the new Kindles are on Sale and less than $100.
The above paragraph is completely true, I love my kindle, and if you buy one through my link it simply takes you to the normal store and it's the best price anywhere online. But since I was the one to refer you, if you buy a Kindle or anything else during that shopping session I get a commission. Below is an example of "renting" amazon an advertising spot on my blog, another way to get "affiliate" commission.
3. My Own Online Retail Store:
After meeting Anton in Chiang Mai and seeing his lifestyle, I decided that I wanted to learn how to open my own eCommerce store. He has a website that sells Furniture online that brings in quite a bit of cash, I'm talking tens of thousands, but best of all, since it's designed to be completely online and automated, he's traveling around Thailand for a few months and just checking in through email once in a while.
He started with a normal business where he would buy the products from China, store them in a warehouse he rented in California and ship them to customers when they bought it off his website. But after figuring out how to have the furniture manufactures send the products directly to his customers, he realized that he no longer needed a physical office in California or a warehouse space. So it all became automated online, and on autopilot.
I was lucky enough for him to grant me access to his training program which I briefly mentioned a few posts ago. He basically walked me through exactly how to set up an online retail store of my own. I've been working day and night setting it up this week and it's beautiful. I never would have been able to do it 5 years ago but with technology today, it was seriously simple. I didn't need to hire a web designer or anything. It was all done online and so far the entire store has cost me less than $100 and it looks LEGIT. I called up the largest manufacturer of the products I wanted to carry and they took a look at my website and thought I was a large professional company. I'm in the process of getting approved by them and three other companies that will allow me to carry their products. I think I've FINALLY found a real way to make money and set up my lifestyle to another level.
Give me another week or so to get it fully up and running and I'll update you guys on how much money it's bringing in. But the basic idea is, even though sells millions of products, they don't really specialize in many. By finding specific uncompetitive niches and designing a store that only sells that one type of product (Cat Trees, Chandeliers, Professional Microphones, etc) you can take over and become the top distributor. If you want to get in early and check it out, there's a 60 day money back guarantee where you can basically learn the whole system and then decide to cancel it if it's not for you.
Alright, it's 3:30pm and I think I've done enough "work" for today, it's time to get ready to go to my CrossFit class and then meet up with some friends for All-You-Can-Eat Thai BBQ tonight.
Hope all is going well in all of your lifestyles and I hope it's by choice and by design! Remember, if your life isn't exactly what you wish it was, go out and BUILD the lifestyle you desire. It's the first time in the history of man kind that the information is so readily available. I've spent less than $100 so far on the entire eCommerce Website and am on free trials for half of it so if it somehow doesn't make money after a month I can always cancel it and pay nothing. But I have a feeling that it'll be well worth whatever the fees are as it'll bring in a lot more in that in profit.
Warm Regards,
Johnny FD
Add me -
My answer was a bit different, today was a somewhat typical morning and here's how it went:
- Wake up without an alarm clock, go for a walk.
- Buy a fresh coconut at the farmer's market and have breakfast consisting of coconut and grilled pork on a stick.
- Purchased some fresh eggs, Kale, Spinach and Bok Choy from the market for 60 baht ($2US)
- Randomly decided to get haircut, got a free surprise back massage along with it. 70 baht ($2.34US)
- Walked home while listening to my favorite Podcasts
How these 2 hour mornings can help you:
The main benefit is starting your day stress free and encouraging fresh air, light exercise and healthy food. But the real benefit is setting a foundation for a productive day. Instead of telling yourself that you don't have 2 hours in the morning of free time to walk around listening to the History of Genghis Khan podcast on Hardcore History (which is amazing by the way) or my other favorite podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience, figure out a way to have it.
It wasn't by chance or luck that I use an alarm clock so unoften I didn't figure it out that I could set an alarm on my iPhone without an alarm clock app until a few days ago. This is Lifestyle Design. Here is how you do it.
Work Hard and Work Smart:
The next few hours I hang out at my favorite coffee shop with my laptop and actually do some work. The staff recognizes me enough to bring me my favorite drink, an Iced Americano without me even having to ask. Here is what I am currently working on to bring in online passive income so I can continue living the lifestyle I've designed.
1. The Book - "12 Weeks in Thailand: The Good Life on the Cheap" is selling on autopilot through and is bringing in between $100-$200 a month of passive income. The first month when it was priced at $27 it brought in over $600US but sales have stayed the same since lowering the price and offering it on amazon.
Lesson learned: Don't publish info books on Amazon or kindle unless you're a Fiction writer with a series. Keep the price and perceived value high. Even though the information and content is well worth over $27 for anyone considering traveling through Thailand to live the 4-hour workweek lifestyle, learn Muay Thai, or become a Divemaster, having it for $9.99 makes the book seem like just another book on the shelf. I may be moving the book off of Amazon and reset the price at the original $27.
Marketing of 12 Weeks in Thailand: The book has decent organic SEO (search engine results in google) from all of the content on my Muay Thai Blog
Has great reviews (currently 5 stars on Amazon) and good word of mouth through readers, great friends and supporters. The facebook page has a good amount of followers that love the photos I've been putting up of readers with their books in Thailand.
2. Affiliate Marketing: By promoting other people's books, products and/or renting advertising space on my blogs and websites I get a commission from each sale that comes through it.
Example: Since I love reading ebooks and pdfs on my Kindle, I'm always recommending it to my friends and readers. I know it's a hassle having both an iPad and another device but once you start using a kindle you''ll realize how comfortable it is on your eyes they are since they use eInk technology and aren't back lit. You can read it for hours and not get tired and you can read it in direct sunlight on the beach and leave it around without worrying that your expensive iPad will be damaged or stolen since the new Kindles are on Sale and less than $100.
The above paragraph is completely true, I love my kindle, and if you buy one through my link it simply takes you to the normal store and it's the best price anywhere online. But since I was the one to refer you, if you buy a Kindle or anything else during that shopping session I get a commission. Below is an example of "renting" amazon an advertising spot on my blog, another way to get "affiliate" commission.
3. My Own Online Retail Store:
After meeting Anton in Chiang Mai and seeing his lifestyle, I decided that I wanted to learn how to open my own eCommerce store. He has a website that sells Furniture online that brings in quite a bit of cash, I'm talking tens of thousands, but best of all, since it's designed to be completely online and automated, he's traveling around Thailand for a few months and just checking in through email once in a while.
He started with a normal business where he would buy the products from China, store them in a warehouse he rented in California and ship them to customers when they bought it off his website. But after figuring out how to have the furniture manufactures send the products directly to his customers, he realized that he no longer needed a physical office in California or a warehouse space. So it all became automated online, and on autopilot.
I was lucky enough for him to grant me access to his training program which I briefly mentioned a few posts ago. He basically walked me through exactly how to set up an online retail store of my own. I've been working day and night setting it up this week and it's beautiful. I never would have been able to do it 5 years ago but with technology today, it was seriously simple. I didn't need to hire a web designer or anything. It was all done online and so far the entire store has cost me less than $100 and it looks LEGIT. I called up the largest manufacturer of the products I wanted to carry and they took a look at my website and thought I was a large professional company. I'm in the process of getting approved by them and three other companies that will allow me to carry their products. I think I've FINALLY found a real way to make money and set up my lifestyle to another level.
Give me another week or so to get it fully up and running and I'll update you guys on how much money it's bringing in. But the basic idea is, even though sells millions of products, they don't really specialize in many. By finding specific uncompetitive niches and designing a store that only sells that one type of product (Cat Trees, Chandeliers, Professional Microphones, etc) you can take over and become the top distributor. If you want to get in early and check it out, there's a 60 day money back guarantee where you can basically learn the whole system and then decide to cancel it if it's not for you.
Hope all is going well in all of your lifestyles and I hope it's by choice and by design! Remember, if your life isn't exactly what you wish it was, go out and BUILD the lifestyle you desire. It's the first time in the history of man kind that the information is so readily available. I've spent less than $100 so far on the entire eCommerce Website and am on free trials for half of it so if it somehow doesn't make money after a month I can always cancel it and pay nothing. But I have a feeling that it'll be well worth whatever the fees are as it'll bring in a lot more in that in profit.
Warm Regards,
Johnny FD
Add me -

Hey Johnny,
ReplyDeleteIt's Amanda from the forum... learning Anton was in Thailand just living it up made me wonder how life was in Thailand, then I find your site, so perfect timing :)
You gave me a good laugh when reading about you not knowing you could set your alarm clock on your phone without an app....I can relate.... I spent a considerable amount of time searching the app store for some kind of reminder/appointment type app only to be informed by my 10 year old son that I "could just use the calendar mom"
anyway, your book looks awesome and I will be picking it to you and see you around!
Hey Amanda, that's hilarious that you found my blog randomly like that. I should make it a bit more clear in my signature on the forums =) I hope you enjoy the book, its basically the story of the 4-hour workweek in Thailand implemented. Keep in touch and happy business!