
Thailand's 6 Month Multiple Entry Tourist Visa is Official and Here's How to Use it.

I was tempted to post something about the new 6 month multiple entry tourist visa for Thailand sooner as I'm super excited about it, but up until now it's all been hearsay and didn't want to spread rumors if they were untrue.

But good news, I've gotten a hold of one of the first official documents explaining the new METV (Multiple Entry Tourist Visa) and it's not only official, but it's even better than we thought it was going to be. (for some people) This is the new solution for a lot of us and could be the new Digital Nomad Visa for Thailand. Keep reading to see the official announcement below.

How I Got the Letter:

I wish I could say I have some type of hookup in the Thai government but nope, I just emailed the Thai consulate here in South Africa where I'm currently traveling and asked them about applying for a double or triple entry tourist visa and they sent me this.

I first heard about the new 6 month multiple entry visa months ago but didn't want to speculate or get my hopes up. But here's the official announcement by The Royal Thai Embassy on behalf of the Thai Government themselves.

Summary of the new 6 Month Visa:

Multiple Entry 

This means you can go to Bali for a weekend, Cambodia to see Angkor Wat, then go to Saigon to visit friends whenever you want and not have to worry about wasting of one of your entries on your visa.

This gives travelers and digital nomads freedom to go where we want, whenever we want and not be stuck to a timeline based on our visa expiration dates.

6 Month Validity 

This actually means up to 9 months if you time it right. Get the new visa 2 weeks before you leave for Thailand, then come and go as you please making sure you fly back into Thailand a day or two before your 6 months run out. That way, you get a full 60 days from that day, plus the option to extend it for another 30 days without leaving the country, giving you up to 9 Months in Total!

Example: If your 6 month visa is valid from January 1st to June 1st you can come and go as much as you like during that time for up to 60-90 days at a time, then just make sure you re-enter Thailand before May 31st, and you'll get 60 days from that day + an option to extend it for another 30 days, giving you close to 9 months in total.

Death of the Double and Triple Entry Visas:

Unfortunately, this is something no one knew about until just now, but with the introduction of the new 6 month multiple entry tourist visa we lose the option to obtain a double or triple entry tourist visa. We'll still be able to get single entry visas which are good for 60 days + a 30 day extension, but it rules out going to places like Laos to get a double entry.

My suggestion is to either get a new ME Visa before you come to Thailand, or just plan a trip home anytime after November 13th. Just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

By the way, if you're making location independent income and want to exclude your first $100,800 in earnings, check out the foreign earned income exemption. Having the new 6 month multiple entry visa makes it easy for us digital nomads to travel perpetually while allowing us to use places like Chiang Mai, Thailand as our home base whenever we want to take a break from island hopping and hang out at a coworking space. 

How to Obtain a New 6 Month Visa:

The only downside to getting the new 6 month visa is that you have to do it from your home country, or a county where you can prove residence in.

That means for most of us already traveling in Thailand or SE Asia, we'll have to fly back home to get the new visa. The good news is, if you use my 9 month plan I mentioned above, you'll only have to do it once a year or so, and can use it as an excuse to go to weddings, or see your family that I'm sure misses you.

The cost of the new visa is around $140 USD and in my opinion is a fantastic deal for a 6 month multiple entry visa  as it gives us both freedom of time and schedule. In my first book 12 Weeks in Thailand I wrote about how to live the good life on the cheap, make border runs and get by on $600 a month, but those days are over.

They were fun as hell and if you're in your 20's I encourage you to spend a few years working as a divemaster and training muay thai like I did, but if you're 30+ like I am, instead of counting our baht and trying to live as cheaply as possible, let's put in some hard work and all become Thai Millionaires to really live freely and enjoy all of Thailand and the rest of the world.


The Thai Embassy in Washington DC officially announced the new METV (Multiple Entry Thai Visa) requirements here.

Success Update:

I got it! Here are ALL of the details on how I got it and what you need to get yours. 

Read the full post on getting the new 6 month tourist visa here!

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Warm Regards,

Johnny FD

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  1. So if we choose to just stay in Thailand non stop without leaving the country for the first 9 months, is this possible? I.e. first 6 months on the METV then we do 3 month extension at immigration?

    1. You only get max of 60 days, then have to leave again... can't stay for the full 6 months without leaving.

    2. Oh, he seems to have forgotten that part..
      Sounds like a shit version if the triple entry to me...

    3. This is not good news, don't know what Johnny is talking about.

    4. Not only is this not good news (having to go home) tourist visas prohibit working, blogging, youtubing, etc etc specifically by law.. Look at the form you sign "I promise not to undertake work while in the kingdom" etc.

      If you want to be a digital nomad do it whoile obeying the law of the country your in.


  2. Nice write up man! Thanks for that! Are you positive about the discontinuation of double and triple entry visas though? Every country tends to have their own visas they can issue, and it is generally not consistent across the board. If what you say is true, sure you can extend it to 9 months, though that's not very different than the triple entry visa (other than the freedom to leave early and get another 2 months on re-entry, no loss).. and way more of a pain to get the visa.

    I wasn't sold on this visa when they first announced it, and if what you say is true, I'm even further from being sold on it being 'better' for digital nomads now than ever before. :/ why don't they just follow the example of Germany or Spain with a freelance visa! Prove you make $XXXX in income from external countries, and you can stay in Thailand. After-all, you're just spending money here, boosting the economy.

    Pride has a funny way about getting in the path of logic sometimes. Good write up though, thanks.

    1. Hey Ian, although there's a small chance other countries will have different rules, i'm pretty sure the new 6 month multiple entry will discontinue the double and triple entry visas. I personally loved the triple entry visas but most places including most consulates in the U.S. wouldn't issue more than a double.

      Here's what I received in email from the consulate:

      "Dear Johnny

      We do not issue triple entry visas as a rule.
      At the moment we issue single or double entry only

      From 13 November onwards, Thailand will issue single entry or multiple entry only.

      Please see info and form attached (5 files)"

      I also agree and would love to have a Prove $XXXXX visa but at the end of the day we're playing by their rules. =)

    2. so for some times the gave 2 entries, from Nov not anymore?

      big pain for me because I don't need more then 2 entries.. I think most people not need 2 entries if the a really tourists

  3. What about an Elite Visa Johnny? I know you said you plan in staying in Thailand for many years, you can certainly afford it. I imagine you won't be able to back to back many of the METVs are it's aimed to cracking down on tourist visa abuse from digital nomads etc. although we'll see how that turns out, but for those who can afford it, it is no doubt the easy option in my mind.

    Probably works out close to the same too, since with METV you gotta leave the country every 60 days, plus go home for each new one, it all adds up very quickly.

    1. Also with the requirements like 200K baht in the bank for each METV application, plus other requirements, it makes sense to go Elite.

    2. I've done the math and have considered the Thai Elite Visa. If I knew I was going to stay primarily in Thailand for the next 5 years then I would happily pay the $14,106 price tag as it breaks down to $235 a month which is doable.

      However, since I like to travel and relocate often, it'll end up being closer to $400 a month for the times I'm in Thailand which isn't worth it. Also it'll tie me down and limit my freedom to pick up and move countries and as a digital nomad, we're all about freedom right?

    3. Ahhhh makes sense. Depends on the persons situation really, I just remembered a post of yours where you talked about staying in CNX for a few years. I can see METV bringing problems myself (I'll happily come back and admit I was wrong if it's all smooth sailing, fingers crossed!) so the peace of mind may be worth it for some based here. Best of luck to all however it plays out.

    4. The elite visa is also an employment prohibited visa.. Its effectively a modified TR visa class.. Tho they will assist you in the process of changing to other legal classes.

  4. Here's how I interpret the limited details released so far:

    If you want to get a METV (Multiple Entry Tourist Visa), you’ll have to do it from your home country (or place of legal permanent residence).

    If you want to get a visa from a neighborhood country like Laos, you’ll limited to the SETV (Single Entry Tourist Visa).

    By using a combination of one of each visa, you can visit your home country just once a year (so you can go home during the same time period each year).

    How it breaks down:

    Step 1) You get a METV in your home country before heading to Thailand. Every 2 months (60 days) you do a border hop for a new entry stamp. You do the last entry stamp right before the METV expires in 6 months, then extend that last stamp for 30 days at immigration. This gives you a total of 9 months for the METV.

    Step 2) You get a SETV at a neighborhood country like Laos. You get 60 days on entry, then extend it for another 30 days at immigration.This gives you another 3 months, for a combined total of 12 months using the 2 visas.

    Step 3) You fly back to your home country after a year is up and do the process again.

    This of course only works if the new visas still allow 30 day extensions. It's also possible that the SETV will require being applied for in your home country too, making the above breakdown not possible.

    The lack of details are problematic for me since I’ve booked a flight to Laos on Nov 16th to renew my thai visa. Looks like I’ll need to book new flights to go before the 13th to get a current double entry visa before the visa type changeover.

    1. Great breakdown! You've hit on the head, and you're right you can get an entire year with the combination of the two, which is a great idea.

      I'm 99.9% sure you can still get SETV visas from neighboring countries as the office here in South Africa says they will still issue them after Nov 13th. But in the tiny chance you can't, you can just fly out, spend a few weeks on vacation somewhere, and come back with 30 days + extend it for 30 days, giving you almost a year total =)

    2. Thoughts on the following:
      So point 3) part 2, why would you not be able to apply for this visa from say Vietnam, Indonesia or surrounding countries if you have evidence of permanent residence from your home country? I'm guessing something like birth certificate.....
      My second point, is maybe it's a good idea to obtain a 3 x entry tourist visa before 13th November to keep you ticking over for now..

    3. While doing an METV + TR would work for one year, the second year it might not. Thailand specifically is discouraging people from using the tourist visas for "living in Thailand". They know people aren't traveling, they are living and working, and that is not what the tourist visas are for.

  5. A friend on facebook mentioned that this new 6 month visa is bad for digital nomads, here's my reply as I think it adds a lot of value here:

    His concerns were about proving employment, proving bank deposits, and the hassle of flying home. Here's my reply:

    I think it's great for actual digital nomads but not people that just want to live in Thailand which I think may be their reason for this in the first place.

    1. Employment - I'm pretty sure owning your own business would count, and anyone who's a digital nomad would have some type of business where they can write a letter to themselves if needed, such as a drop shipping store. If the are strict with this, you can just form an LLC under a generic name like ClockWorks LLC and put all of your businesses under that and write a letter saying you are an executive for the company. It doesn't cost more than $120 a year for an LLC.

    2. Money -All true digital nomads will have at least 20,000 baht ($5,644US) deposited into their home bank accounts during the last 6 months. Having U.S. customers pay your U.S. bank account doesn't mean you're working in Thailand. It means you have a location independent business that has nothing to do with Thailand.

    3. 60 Days - Yup you'll still have to fly out every 60 days...or 90 if you extend it, which for digital nomads who actually want to travel and see places, it's fine to take a vacation every 2-3 months anyways. Now we can go where want want, even to places that don't have a consulate to get another visa.

    4. Home Country - If you look hard enough there are flights that go from Chiang Mai through Seoul to San Francisco/LAX but yes it'll still be 2-3 flights to get home depending on where you live in the U.S., which sucks, but once a year isn't a big deal. Or the option is to get residence in another country...maybe Europe or somewhere in Asia?

    I think overall it's a good move on Thailand's part, but also for true digital nomads that work online and have location independent income it's good as well. It's bad for people who work in Thailand under the table, and for those who just live there off savings. I know it would have been bad for me 3 years ago when I was just living here so I understand it'll be worst for some people, but for actual digital nomads with real businesses, it's a good thing.

    1. The term "true digital nomad" is so arrogant. Please stop using it. Who are you to judge who is a true nomad or not.

      Someone who's been nomading since before "digital nomad" was even a term.

    2. Mandy you're right, I was being unnecessarily harsh as there are plenty of people just starting out, enjoying the digital nomad lifestyle who aren't making an average of $940 a month yet. But those people won't have trouble getting their first 6 month visa as they most likely had a job and $940 a month in income before they started traveling.

      This affects digital nomads who have been working online for more than 6 months and are still making less than $940 a month on average.

    3. First, the math is not correct. The required amount, on deposit for at least 6 months is 200,000 THB. That's over $5,500 USD at current exchange rates. This is SAVINGS, above and beyond any revenue stream. So making $940/mo. has nothing to do with savings of $5,500 USD, unless one has zero expenses for six months, then banks the money and waits another six months to apply for the visa.

    4. It's not arrogant at all. It's only arrogant if you are backpacker and want to start calling yourself a digital nomad.

      The term came about referencing people who were working remotely while travelling contrasted to living off savings or taking odd jobs in the country.

      Backpackers would rather be called digital nomads than backpackers because there is a really negative association with backpackers all around the world. In Thailand the locals often refer to them as bird **** westerners.

    5. Pretty sure you meant

      200,000 baht ($5,644US) in your comment not 20.000 baht, otherwise great comment

    6. The document simply says you must have account (deposit) transactions equivalent to 200,000 bht in the previous 6 months. So a little under $1000 per month.

  6. I'm a U.S. citizen, my wife has dual-citizenship with the U.S. and U.K. We were planning to apply for a 6 month visa in Paris two weeks before going to Thailand. Is it possible if she has a EU passport? We're not residents of any EU country just traveling/working.

    1. If I were you, I'd just call or email the Paris Consulate and ask before you apply. I'm sure every consulate is going to have slightly different rules.

    2. That is not possible, as the METV requires that you apply from your home country.

    3. I think if you can prove that you registered in the EU country its ok.. at least I read it on the German T Consulate page..

      If this visa would be valid for 12 months I would be willing to pay the $200 or more for it.. but for 6 its the same lenght as multiple entry was :(

      America Spoils Tourists, gives them 10 year visa, with each entry 6 month stay.. Thats incredible...

      A good visa would be the freelance visa, proof you have income in your country, your welcome to say and spend it in our country :)

    4. From what i understand. If you are not a citizen of the country you are applying to for the ME visa, you have to prove residency in that country.

  7. Thanks for a good post. However, I just want to post a warning to everyone, reminding you that working in Thailand without a proper business visa and work permit is illegal. Do your research before booking the next flight to Thailand to 'work'.

    1. Lol... okay.... hmm....thanks for the 'work' 'warning'....

    2. OP is right, this is a crackdown on illegal workers, in part due to attitudes like the reply above and misinformation like 'I don't work for Thai companies so it's legal!' and whatever else.

      Please don't see this as a negative post Johnny, rather a realistic one. The spotlight is on illegal workers thanks to digital nomads, FB groups and blogs like this IMO. Not hating on anyone, I'm part of the community myself, but let's be real here.

      The Thai gov. are not stupid. They know the deal, they follow everything. They raided Punspace a while back but got the 'reading email's' excuse. They're never gonna waste time messing around trying to catch people that way anyway, too difficult to prove without breaking rights, waste of resources. Close the loopholes on visas, set extra requirements to keep out bums, easy job.

      It was always gonna happen with everyone blatantly working and telling everyone how easy/cool it was, anyone with a brain could see it but everyone though they knew best.

      Especially from a Thai gov. point of view, how does it look when it's common knowledge and some cool new trend where you can come to Thailand and break the law?

    3. Just amazes me how so many people happily sign declarations thinking only about what part of the law they can benefit from and what part they will break and ignore.

      If immigrants and tourists to thier own countries behaved the same way they would be up in arms.

      Theres laws.. Stick to them or go where the laws are more suited to your desires.

    4. Crackdown - You make a great point and it's good to think about the other side as well. It may very well be a way to flush out "bums" as you mentioned.

      The way I see it, the Thai Gov has two choices, they can be like Kodak and ignore the popularity of the digital age and try to hold onto to the way they did things in the past, or they can embrace it in a way that will be beneficial for the local economy and tourism.

    5. OP appears to imply that working online requires a business visa, which is incorrect. Thai government has already said that 'digital nomads', those doing work ONLINE, are allowed to do so on Tourist visas.

    6. Hey EvilKarma, where did the Thai govt say that?


    8. Just an update, the article linked to above seems to be no longer there: Error 404.

  8. When I read the requirement for proof of residency, I read it as "You must prove your permanent residence is outside Thailand."

    I don't read that as "You need to apply for this visa from your home country".

    Can you please clarify how came to the conclusion that this visa is only available via application in your home country?

    1. Hopefully some countries will allow a loose interpretation of this and have it be a loop hole but "Evidence of Permanent Residence/Residence Permit" cleary means if you are in Berlin applying for a 6 Month Thai Visa, you need to have a German Resident Permit:

    2. Thanks. I think I understand. The way you read this the wording implies (rather than explicitly states) that one must apply from their country of residence.

    3. That is correct, one must apply in one's home country. The proof that is needed in each Thai consulate, in each country, is proof that that country you are applying in, you are indeed a resident of.

    4. As a German I need technically to quit my permanent address in Germany once I dont live there for more than 6 months, so can I apply for a Thai visa again from Germany even if I dont have a permanent address in Germany anymore ? Do other countries have the same problem ?

  9. Digital nomads, millionaires.Sorry but most of the farang I meet here are none of those hahaha.Beer nomads and pretenders yes!

    1. some people have revenue streams happening from sales on the internet, and they have nothing to do with Thailand... we're talking about people who have arranged their lives and business so that they can be wherever they want to be, and are not retired.

  10. I guess you're only one who is so super exited about this "great" new visa..

    can you please explain me how is this better than current option?
    here you pay 5000 bht for 3x60 day visa if you plan to use maximum of it + 3x1900bht for extensions + trips to nearby countries

    today you can get 3x60 visa for 3x1000bht + 3x1900bht for each extension + trips to nearby country.
    So how is paying 2000bht more so great deal ??

    1. If most consulates issued Triple Entry visas that would be the better deal.

      But the new ME visa is better than the Double Entry because it allows up to 9 months vs. 6 and it gives you the flexibility of traveling whenever you want instead of being afraid to waste an entry if your friends decide they want to go on a scuba diving trip in Bali half way through your entry.

    2. It doesn't matter if it is a better deal or worse (METV vs. double/triple entry) as these are the only available options now. Double and Triple entry visas are discontinued.

    3. for some double was better, since some people only stay 4-5 months. Also big price difference in getting the METV

  11. Thai consulate Vientiane has already updated information on its website. The page is in Lao except for fee table. METV for residents only, and cost of SETV has doubled.

  12. Thai consulate Vientiane has already updated information on its website. The page is in Lao except for fee table. METV for residents only, and cost of SETV has doubled.

    1. Thanks for clarifying Thonson.

    2. You are mistaken,cf. I read the entire section on tourist visas in Thai and there is no mention of the new METV on the Vientiane website. I think you are confused with the entry for a Non Immigrant visa which is also costs 5000฿.

  13. Thanks, I was just about to get my triple tourist visa and flight, so now I have the choice to wait a few weeks for greater flexibility.
    The big catch for many people I think reading carefully that the money needs to be in the account for at least six months!
    I think few people will manage that. I think I'll be fine with UK ISA accounts that are interchangeable between shares and cash and I have papers for six months even though it didn't happen to be cash for that time, because they are always withdrawable.
    I don't see the need for a specific income though, where was that?

    1. Oh I see it's income not a fixed lump sum as for the retirement visa.

      Not sure about flights and accomodation: single or return, first night or full first trip, so I'll phone the local consulate in the morning.

    2. Hey John, let us know how it goes! If your consulate issues Triple Entries, you can just get that as it's just as good if not better, as long as you don't plan on traveling outside spontaneously.

    3. Hi Johnny, yes I took your advice and went for the old triple tourist visa, and I'll be ready for the new one next time. Or I might just fancy taking single tourist visas forever anyway.
      I managed to get them to print out the full details from the UK point of view, up on my site now.

  14. How is this the 'new digital nomad visa' when tourist visas specifically forbid employment or working of any kind ??

    Your just picking the part you want to read (the duration) while ignoreing the legal declaration you sign when you apply.

    1. There is no digital nomad visa. But until the Thai Gov decides to create one, this is the best option for those who work online and want to travel.

    2. Hey mr. Unknown please read this

  15. I think he referred "digital nomad" as in, US or abroad based work, not actually having a job in Thailand (taking jobs away from locals).

    1. Yup. Exactly.

      People who do a job or have a business such as renting out motorbikes in Thailand can be seen as taking a job that a local Thai person could have done.

      But having an online business that is based in the U.S., selling to U.S. customers, or whatever their home country is doesn't take anything from the local economy, it only adds.


      The Thai government said that it was legal as of right now for digital nomads to work out of Thailand.

  16. One thing that sucks though is that for people who genuinely want to travel in thailand for extended periods, and still provide an employment letter. It won't be that common for people who have regular jobs at home coming in to Thailand for 6 months (or even 2 months) at a time..So this visa is definitely for location independent people who make money online from they are the most likely ones to stay in Thailand for months..

  17. It is a total disaster for people who are under 50 years old and want to live in Thailand. Apparently there's no more 30 day extension and you must leave after 60 days. Can't get the visa unless you are in your home country. Fees are much higher. As if this gives nomads more flexibility for hopping in and out of Thailand? Yeah right. Before, if I wanted to leave I could simply wait until my 60 days was up (that's the whole point of living in Thailand) Johnny is smoking something.

    1. Where does it say there are no more 30 day extensions James?

    2. As it is a single visa, the only time you could extend it would be just before it expires as you leave and re-enter on the same visa. It doesn't say you cannot extend for any period at the end nor does it say you can. It is an ssumption at this stage to say it can be extended in the same way that Tourist Exempt and Tourist Visas currently can. The extension would have to be specifically added to the METV to permit the extension as it is with the others.

    3. I thought I saw that somewhere. Do you know for certain they are still going to allow 30 days extensions on every entry? Also, the validity is 6 months but it could be that by the time you arrive on the first entry.. maybe you've lost several weeks before you've even entered?

    4. From what I understand, the only real negatives of the METV (compared with a triple entry) is that it costs more, requires more paperwork (and evidence of money kept in a bank), and must be done from one's home country. However, triple entry TR visas were never very common, and they had the same thing usually (that is, six month validity that begins on issuance).

  18. Thonson, you can extend the others as well. So you can just leave every 3 months instead of 2 and save yourself a trip if you'd prefer to spend half a day at immigration and pay 1,900 baht, instead of taking a trip and seeing a neighboring country.

  19. For some reason the requirements on the Finnish embassy site are even stricter, requiring
    "- fully paid air tickets entering Thailand and departing within 60 days of arrival
    - bank statement showing money movements within last six months including source"
    Given that the METV is supposed to make ease of movement in and out of Thailand easier with backpackers especially in mind, the interpretation put on the Thai regulations by the Finnish Consulate compared to other countries makes no sense at all and if that proof of departure within 60 days of first entry restriction is applied how can anyone qualify for a METV if their return ticket is beyond 60 days after their first entry?! That is definitely NOT the understanding of the new regs of the Consul in Liverpool UK nor on the US Embassy website in Washington.
    It is often the incorrect translation of regulations issued only in Thai by individual countries into their language and then in English which become incorrect interpretations.

  20. James Rizzo is correct. This visa is a true hardship for the non married/ non working under 50's in Thailand. Having to go back to your home country and then satisfy all these paperwork and financial requirements to get the METV is so much more of a pain than just going to Laos and getting the DE visa(which now seems to be history) . In my opinion Thailand's VISA systems and policies are some of the most unfriendly and worst in Asia. Although I do think it is a great place to live. Now with the SE tourist visa the only cheap option (especially since last year's crackdown on ED Visas which has made that option worthless) - you will see far fewer under 50 digital nomads in Thailand as more will opt for visa friendly countries such as Cambodia. For me personally, I got divorced from a Thai last year at age 47. Went on the horrible ED visa for a year and now am riding out tourist visas until my 50th birthday. Instead of 3 double entries until them I have to scramble and get 6 SE visas and pay twice the price.

    1. Agreed. Closing balance of $7000 at the end of each of the last 6 months; I'm a 25 year old Sales and Marketing employee, I have barely made half that in the last 6 months, I'm not meant to enter Thailand until Jan but am in Fiji and NZ the 2 months prior so the home nation rule kicks me up the backside as well and after communicating with embassies who were as much use as an inflatable dartboard (and about as polite) who wouldn't no the full story if it bit them can you blame me for being apprehensive about grabbing a last minute Triple entry before leaving the UK out of fear that they'll just tell me its no longer valid when I get there.

    2. @ Anonymous: Can you tell us why the ED visa is so horrible? I was considering it. thanks

  21. I'm sorry but I cannot see how this is good for travelling tourists.

    For a starters many people in the real world, myself included, are unable to produce a bank statement that shows a closing balance at the end of each of the last six months of a minimum of $7000/£4528.40. Secondly; applying for it from the home country is a hindrance because many travellers by now will already be travelling and likely not even be on the same continent as their home country, meaning they need to fork out God-knows how much just to fill out the thing minus the fees. Thirdly the employment verification makes no sense as you can't have work lined up in Thailand as the tourist visa's won't allow it. If it means work in the home nation how is that even relevant and many travellers will not be employed in their home nation because their, you know, TRAVELLING for at least 6+ months; hence the visa.

    Not all travellers are rich, especially us young-uns. I can see some benefits for those that can afford these new stipulations but for everyone else its a killer.

    Also what with the lack of cohesion with the embassies, government and inconsistent border rules and rule changes and just outright b*llshit I don't think it unreasonable to worry that people trying to still get double & triple entries (which are still openly advertised on British embassies with no mention of any METV) will fork out for them at the embassies only to then be told that their invalid once they arrive in Thailand. Hate to disagree with you Johnny but outside of your situation this is not a good thing.

  22. Yes, I was looking at non-immigrant thinking it was tourist. Ok, well, we'll see what it says on 13 November :)

  23. You talk about having the freedom to take a vacation to a neighbouring country,well if your not taking a vacation in Thailand already then why are you here?.This is a TOURIST visa,its your train of thought that is causing visa problems in the Kingdom.If you are not on holiday here then obtain the correct visa,ie business visa if you are not here on HOLIDAY.And dont assume that immigration will just happily hand out one month extension,because from my experiance living here they dont always grant them and mught start asking questions.The gov is getting a grip on bach to back visa runners so stop blowing smoke.P.S i live here...legally on a Non O with marriage extension.

  24. Yes u cna get it
    OHHH but wiat
    u need to show (for US) $8,000 in ht ebank for the past 6 months
    show ur employeed
    show ur air tickets in and out
    Show ur hotel bookings

    How many "digital nomads can do that?

    This visa helps no one.

  25. This type of visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom for tourism purposes.
    Documents Required:

    1. Your actual Passport or Travel Document. (Passport or Travel Document must not expire within 6 months and contain at least ONE completely empty visa page).
    2. One visa application form completely filled out (Download)
    3. Two passport-size photographs (2″x2″) (photocopy or photo taken from Photostat will not be accepted). Photographs must have a light color background with a full- face view of the person without wearing a hat or dark glasses and covering up shoulders Photos must be taken within 6 months.
    4. Flight confirmation/reservation (The name of the applicant must clearly appear on it)
    5. Hotel reservation confirmation (The name of the applicant must clearly appear on it)
    6. A copy of bank statement or evidence of adequate finance for the last 6 months with a minimum balance of $7,000 (every months) HA HA HA HA
    (The name of the applicant must clearly appear on it)
    7. For non-US citizen, a copy of permanent resident alien card or a copy of valid US visa
    8. An employment verification

  26. Thanks, here's the link

    It's good they mention self-employed as an option. It's easy to read the requirements either way as a lump sum or monthly salary, and I'm still unsure myself.

    The $7k is the only tricky part and there's an easy solution for people with an income, which is required to stay in Thailand anyway,. Get a loan at the incredibly low interest rates available now. I just added half again to my wealth at 3.8% fixed for 5 years, and I don't even own a house. Since the money is gradually repaid it's only 1.9% I'll actually pay. I won't have much use for all of it, so it can lie around in a current account if needed. And some accounts will pay a little interest too.

    1. One thing I can't figure out; does the 200K need to be in your home country bank account or in a Thai account?

    2. Where does it say you need 200k?

      You need around $6,000 in your home bank account to apply for the new 6 month visa.

    3. 200k THB or equivalent. That is the actual wording at each embassy.

  27. It says you just need to show proof of residence if you apply in a country that is not your nationality.
    What is proof of residence? Room rental agreement? Hotel address? Residence visa in passport?
    I wish Thai embassies would be more clear.

    1. It needs to be an official residence in that country. So if you're applying in Berlin, you'll need this:

  28. I work a 4 week on 4 week off rotation and have children in Thailand.. I went to immigration at the airport only to be told I was blocked as I spend 6 months of the year in Thailand , 6 X 28 days a year. She explained that I can visit Thailand. 6 times a year for a maximum of 90 days in the year. What is she talking about?

    1. Interesting, thanks for sharing this as every time rules change, there is confusion. I've never heard of this rule before so it's either new and unfortunate or there's just confusion on someone's part.

      Can I ask what visa you have now, and which airport you were at? Did you get blocked from boarding the plane in your home country to Thailand?

  29. Anybody know what is Elite visa never hear of it please explain :(

    1. Yup, it's 500,000thb ($15kUSD) for 5 years. Too big of a commitment for most of us:

    2. whats the difference of membership fee and yearly fee?

      do you get the membership fee back, because its a lot $$

  30. Johnny, dude, this is a perfect example of the headaches that I am sure you get from blogging haha.

    I ALWAYS get a kick out of all the legal experts coming out of the woodwork when someone talks about Visas. It's the same with the teaching rooms on Facebook when someone asks simple questions like, "What's your advice on getting private students?" People would slam them saying it was "illegal" to have private students and you'd need to start a business for that. I remember a young 20 something student asking, "Do you think I could get some work while I am studying to get my TEFL Bachelors degree?" People slammed them as if they were asking, "What is the best job I could get to have enough money to bang out girls at the Soi Cowboy?" I get that they are trying to be respectful to Thailand since we're all guests here in the kingdom, but at the same time, give me a break man. haha. Johnny, I'm pretty sure your girlfriend can verify that since she used to teach. :)

    The same goes with people insinuating that digital nomads are working illegally here. No No No No No NO. More than one person has posted information to refute that.

    After my first teaching job I wanted to work for a Thai friend who owned a pretty damn big commercial construction company and be an English consultant. He couldn't hire me for technical reasons, but he did make a very good point about working here in Thailand. He said that as long as what you are doing doesn't take away a Thai's ability to get employed, the government won't care what you do. So working online will be okay and there will be nothing to worry about as long as you are respectful here in Thailand.

    Here is my best advice for anyone reading this (I'll make a vlog about it on my youtube channel to come to think about it) is if you're coming here to be an entrepreneur and live like a TRUE digital nomad. :P haha

    Here is my advice to newbie digital nomads coming over here. First off I am not an Attorney, nor do I play one on youtube. With that said........When you do a 60 day tourist visa run do it with a group in a visa run company. The reason why is the company most likely has a relationship with the guys on the border and the consulate. The border and consulate people will probably be flexible about stuff because of that relationship. For example, one of the rules I remember reading for Thailand was needing to show you have a ticket to leave when your visa expires. When I made two visa runs during the time when Thailand was "cracking down" on people abusing the visa system, I was never asked to show a ticket for a flight out of Thailand.

    That is my story and I am sticking to it. :)

    1. Great input Matt! Glad you're enjoying life in Thailand and the Visa runs have been working out fine with no issues for you.

  31. Yep - to live in Thailand on tourist visa will not be for everyone. Go BIG or go home. It will be only for successful ones. So you have to options: cry just like lot of people here or make your business. Have $6000 in your account as a backup is a must-have for DN anyway. I feel sorry about expats, living $500/month - rules changed - move to Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia. Just for few months. Thai government will soon see this is a bad solution and they will change it.

    I have the same feeling as Johny. This is nice! Now I can travel whenever I want to and don't worry about 60days. And have a base camp in Koh Lanta.

    1. Hey David, thanks for sharing your input. I'm really glad you share the upsides of the new visa as well!

    2. They are people like myself that don't care of not having money and that is success! Thailand just wants more money, and they won't get it without tourism, and I mean real tourism!

  32. Someone has already had experience in applying the new multiple entry - 6 months visa at the Thai embassy in Malaysia?
    Yesterday I have asked to the immigration office in Phuket town and they tell me that everywhere (except Cambodia) I can apply this visa. They have checked my italian passport and suggest me to go to the Penang Consulate in Malaysia for apply this multiple entry visa :-o

    1. I haven't heard of anyone getting it yet, especially not in their home country. But am looking forward to reading some trip reports if anyone has done it.

  33. The new Multiple Entry Visa is not a good development at all since it has much stricter criteria, and will make it far harder for many people to be able to stay in Thailand for 6 months or more. Firstly to be able to obtain the ME Visa a person needs to keep no less than £5,000 pounds in a bank at all times for the 6 months before applying. You also heve to be working to get the ME Visa now, and either self employed or your employer has to write a letter stating that they are aware that you are going to Thailand for 6 months or more. You also need to show your hotel booking in Thailand or proof of where you will be staying from a Thai relative or Thai friend. You need bank statements, and the ME Visa cost has gone up massively now £125 in the UK when previously the Double Entry Visa had cost just £50 and the Triple entry £75. In my opinion far fewer people will now be able to enjoy staying in Thailand more than 90 days, and the new stricter requirements show that Thailand only wants high spending shorter staying tourists. Next year I plan still to visit Thailand but will be staying far longer in Cambodia where it is far easier to stay long term and to keep extending.

    1. I've just applied for a ME visa at the consulate in Chicago and I didn't have to provide any employment information, just a flight itinerary and a bank statement.

    2. Great to hear that! I actually just got my ME Visa from Los Angeles and will write a post about it.

    3. Thai consulate also told me I would not be needing an employment verification either

  34. what if you don't have a job in your home country when you come to Thailand and go to apply for your 6 month multi-entry visa...? Can anyone help with this?

    1. The easiest way is to start your own business and write a letter to yourself showing you're self employed =) That's how I do it.

    2. If we don't have to provide any employment information, then why would you advise starting our own businesses and writing letters to ourselves showing we're self-employed? What nonsense.

    3. Technically you need to provide a letter of employment. Some consulates may not require all of the paperwork, but most do. Here's an update on how I got mine:

  35. Dual citizen, can dual citizen lets say the are EU citizen and US citizen.
    Apply with US passport for 1 entry visa in US and then when back in EU apply with there 2nd EU passport for another 1 entry visa.. That would solve the problem for multiple entry need.

  36. Essentially the same as the triple entry but with a lot more red tape and the government(s) sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. Your loss, Thailand. You need people like me more than people like me need you.

    1. The triple entry no longer exists so it's not even worth mentioning.

  37. Hey Johnny thanks for all the info. I successfully got my METV in Australia, no problems.

    I can see this would suck for anyone who doesn't have the funds in their bank account, but otherwise I agree this offers much more flexibility for travelling in and out of Thailand for those who want to explore a bit.

    For me all I had to show was my flight in, proof of ID and money in my account. On the form it actually said to also supply flight OUT and BACK IN which would have been annoying but the lady in charge at my embassy shook her head and said "no don't worry about that please, you can organise your trip out once you're in Thailand" - Sweet.

    As for the dooming and glooming about "working" on a tourist visa, it's clear to me that if you're taking a job away from a Thai or working for a company in Thailand that is obviously not allowed and what their wanting to stop. Running a foreign business that has nothing to do with Thailand via the internet? All good.

    1. HI Tony, did you have to show that you had a closing balance of the amount mentioned for each of the last six months?

    2. From the Thai Embassy in Rome:
      2.1.2 Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa (METV) valid for a 6-month period, for up to 60 days per entry, for a fee of 150 Euro.

      Applicants for the above-mentioned visas are required to submit the following documents (per person) for the Embassy’s consideration:

      - 2 identity card size photos in color (3,5 x 4,5 cm), taken within the last 6 months

      - A passport that is still valid for at least 6 months and its copy

      - 1 copy of the reservation of the flight tickets in and out of Thailand (at least for the first entry for the METV)

      - 1 copy of a confirmed hotel reservation or an invitation letter/e-mail from a person in Thailand with a full address and 1 copy of this person’s identity card and proof that this person lives in Thailand

      - Copy of 6-month bank statement with a minimum balance of 550 Euro (for Single-Entry Tourist Visa) or 5,500 Euro (for Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa)

      - 1 Visa application form filled in completely and signed

      - Cash to pay for the visa fee

      2.2 Non-Immigrant Visa

  38. Hey Tony, thanks for sharing buddy! Glad you got your METV successfully!

  39. There does not appear to be any work requirement to obtain the visa in Australia. However for someone like me who just wants a double entry visa which would formally cost $A90, I now have to pay $A225 for the new ME which has more entries than I require. The only people who could justifiably say that this new visa is a great deal are rich folk like yourself with money and time to splash around on your seemingly excessive journeys in and out of the country. The old system would have paid for 5 single/multiple entries for the same amount of money. The Thai government seem intent on finding new and better ways to discourage ordinary tourists from visiting the country.

    1. Good to hear that Australia isn't requiring you to show employment. Trust me, I don't like paying $200USD for a Visa either and in the time of writing this, the only official prices we had were in South African Rand, which is only $115USD.

      If the new METV was only $115, I'd think it was a fantastic deal. At $200 or $A225 it is expensive, even for us "rich folk."

      The true value of the visa is:

      60 Days = $45
      30 Day Extension = $55
      60 Days = $45
      30 Day Extension = $55

      with getting an additional 60 days for free if you enter right before it expires.

      So the value if staying for 3 months really is $200 if you factor in the 1,900 baht you would have had to pay to extend your double entry anyways (minus any visa run or flight costs) and you up to an additional 3 months with this, making it kind of like a 9 month visa.

      Full blog post coming soon.

  40. You can only extend while your visa is valid, if you enter just before your visa expires you will get 60 days from entry no extension.

    1. Have you had personal experience with this? I don't think it's true as they are extending your 60 day stamp not your 6 month visa.

      ie; you can extend your single or double entry tourist visa after the visa itself has expired and you have your new 60 day stamp.

      Anyone with personal experience feel free to chime in.

  41. I'm new at this Visa stuff so please excuse me if I sound dumb. My son lives & works in Phuket, I have visited Thailand twice but just for the no Visa time period. I have purchase a plane ticket to Bkk but have not got a return ticket as yet as I'm not sure how long I'll be there or when I'm returning to Australia. He is getting married maybe, not sure about other details, his work,visiting her family etc, so left return open. I was hoping to maybe get a chance to go to Laos while up that way visiting family village. Can you help me with this problem, a SE visa wont allow me to go to Laos, a ME visa is far too expensive in Aust. $225AUD (I think) for one entry, the fact that I have already purchase a one way ticket and it looks like you have to have a leaving ticket to get any visa, I find my self in a mixed up situation.....Help Please from someone who might have any helpful info would be great. thankyou in advance.

    1. In your situation I would just fly into Thailand and get the 30 days free, then extend it for another 30 days if you need to. Then go to Laos, and when you fly back into Thailand you'll get another 30 days with an option to extend another 30...or even get a SE visa while you're in Laos. =)

      Hope that helps. If you need more info, you can always search around or ask here:

  42. Hi Johnny, first of all thank you very much for all the help you provide here. I have a question on the multi entry 6 month tourist visa (I would be getting it in London What I can’t understand is whether at the end of the each 60 day stay I’d have to leave the country (in which case I assume just crossing the border would be fine as opposed to having to go to a foreign thai consulate or embassy?) or whether I can extend each 60 day stay (within the validity of the visa) by 30 days at the local immigration office (and pay the related fee). In other words is this visa a “60 days and re-entry” or a “60 + 30 days and re-entry”? Thank you!

    1. Hey happy to help. The 6 Month ME Visa is “60 + 30 days extension" then leave the country and re-enter. =)

  43. this is a bad version of the no-longer-available triple entry visa, only it's much worse.

    1. It's more expensive for sure, but better for some people who want the freedom to travel, it's bad for people that want to maximize their time in Thailand while saving money.

  44. Hi Johnny so if I get my 6 month visa from london I get 60+30 days then leave thailand come back in 60+30 days and just before my 30 day extention expires do the border run again or do I have to go to a thai embessy in another country to get 60 day visa then 30 day at the local immigration

    1. Hey Davo, I'd love to help but I can't understand your grammar.

  45. Start again, I get my 6 month m e visa so when I arrive in Thailand I get 60 days yeah, then go to local thai immigration and get a stamp for 30 days yeah, then I repeat the same again before the 30 days runs out, so that makes it 6 months give or take a day. Now to get the 60 days again do I have to go to a thai Embassy in another country or do they give you 60 days at the border thanks

    1. Davo - As long as you enter Thailand a few days before your METV runs out, you'll get 60 + 30 days from then. I explain it in detail here:

  46. Hey Johnny -

    Pumped to have found your site, and thanks for the excellent info on this visa.

    Do you know what the deal is in regards to getting another METV after 9 months? You'd leave Thailand obviously, but can you go home, apply again, and head back? Or do you have to wait some period of time before applying again?

    Just want to know all my options in terms of how long we can possibly be there if all goes well.


    1. Hey Curt, glad you found the site! Make sure you subscribe to the email list to get all of the info. As for back to back METV's, it's still too new to know as it wasn't released long enough for people to need to have gotten a 2nd one yet, but I would assume it'll be fine.

      My plan is to go back to the U.S. or to Hawaii (which is closer and still a U.S. state) and get another one when this runs out so I'll report back. But it should be fine, especially since they can see you have enough money to fly home.

  47. Heey

    I need some help about that visa for Thailand. The thing is that i am going to Thailand now in July, and i am planning to stay for 3 days only. After that i am going to Bali for 20 days and then going back to Bangkok. That night in Bangkok i am going to stay at the airport. Going back to Europe. My problem is that i am not getting any help, i tried calling their embassy and stuff. Do i really need that Multiple Entry Tourist Visa or not? Its gonna be really hard if i need one, since i am still studying, not employed, and definitely not that much money on my account :D

    Thank you for your help,

    1. Hey Katarina, you don't need to get a visa in advance as you'll get 30 days just for flying in. It's called a visa exemption.

    2. *You'll get an additional 30 days every time you fly in.

    3. Not really :D I have a Serbian passport and Serbia still needs visa for thailand. What do you think about that?

    4. Not really :D I have a Serbian passport and Serbia still needs visa for thailand. What do you think about that?

  48. My freind has a mutiple enrty visa that runs out at the end of Januray. After this can they apply for a second one for another 6 months? obviousy they will have to go back home and apply there. thanks

    1. Hey Olivia, if they go back to their home country to apply for another 6 month visa there should be no problems to get another one. Since the Visa has only been out for around 8 months I don't know anyone who's needed a second one yet as you can extend them up to 9 months of use but hopefully someone who's gotten their 2nd can report it here in the comments and mention where they got it.

      I got my first in Los Angeles, CA and see no reason why I wouldn't get a 2nd one if I wanted to go back to LA.

  49. Does everyone, regardless of their home country, get a 60 day stamp on arrival with the METV

    I ask because the old exempt stamps gave some people 30 and others longer depending on their home country.

    1. Which countries get more than 30 days with an exemption stamp? Everyone gets 60 days with the new METV.

  50. 'Korea, Brazil, Peru, Argentina and Chile will get 90 days in both airport and land border' -

    I got my METV in New Zealand with my British passport, so having to get it in your home country is not correct. This instance may be because of commonwealth/ good relations between uk and nz.

  51. Hey Johnny - just a few months away from life as a digital nomad! I have one question I can't seem to find any answers on: We plan to travel China for 2 months before entering Thailand, as we have to apply for our METV in our home country will this eat into our 6 months so we only have 4 months by the time we enter, or will the 6 months begin after we enter the country? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Eloise

    1. Hey Eloise, you'll either have to give up 2 months of your 6 month ME Visa or you'll have to just apply for a single entry tourist visa that's good for 60 days + 30 days. Enjoy your trip!

  52. You can do exactly what Johnny said get a 60 day + 30 day then before your 30 day runs out go on a visa run then you can get another 60 day tourist visa

  53. You can do exactly what Johnny said get a 60 day + 30 day then before your 30 day runs out go on a visa run then you can get another 60 day tourist visa

  54. i flew to thailand in april 2016 stayed only 6days and plan going in Dec for 18days do even need to apply for visa

  55. Hi, I've just got my multi entry visa for Thailand, my plan is to stay in Thailand for few months and go to Laos , Cambodia and maybe Vietnam, my question is how long I can stay in Thailand for, I think I have to leave the country every 2 months, is that correct ? If so, should I leave Thailand few days before the 2 months have past? Thanks in advance

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  57. I just got issued with this 6mth visa and am happy that it is good for 9mths in total. In fact, there is no need to fly back to your home country for the next visa as you can send your passport plus the money order for the visa fee by certified post to the relevant Thai consulate in your country and they return it by certified mail to your Thai address. Saves on airfares.

  58. Hi I got 6months visa. I arrived Sept I stayed for 3months in bkk. Then I flew to KL for 2months. Then I have remaining 3months left out of the original visa?

  59. Hello,

    I want to get 30 days multiple Visa that I can use in 90 days , which means I will leave Thailand after 2 weeks spend other months traveling in neighbor countries and then come back to Thailand and flight back home. Is it possible to get this kind of Visa?


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